I used to get on planes and as I walked past the people in First Class, I’d think to myself “How could anyone spend so much money on a flight?” Now I ask myself the same question about the people flying coach. Welcome to the world of free travel.
Hello world, my name is Jason and I like First class flights to Europe for $60 (the cost of taxes only), 4 and 5 star hotels for free, free car rentals, and enjoying meals at restaurants for pennies on the dollar. These have taken over my life in the past year and many of you have asked me how to do it. Now is the time that I share everything with you as others have shared the info with me. We’ll talk about how to get what you want, we’ll talk about places to go, we’ll review places, and we’ll meet the experts! We will be introducing you to somewhat more advanced strategies and tactics than on most other travel sites. This information is not learned overnight and it is not for everyone. Rest assured, I am here to take your questions and comments. I believe in sharing this info, answering your questions, and guiding you on the road to free travel.
This blog is more about teaching you the skills you’ll need to get what you want, rather than how to copy my success. We all travel different. Normally, I prefer sacrificing some luxury to extend my travels over a greater period of time. Some of you may be interested in backpacking the world for months or years at a time. Others may only get two weeks of vacation per year and want to take a trip filled with extravagance and luxury.
Whatever your style, This Week in Budget Travel (TWiBT) will teach you what you need to know so you can afford more, whatever your budget, whatever your style!
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