TWiBT's 5 Favorite Travel Scams!

TWiBT Presents

5 Favorite Travel Scams!


You could devote an entire blog to travel scams, but we’re only going to focus on a few.  Due to their unfamiliarity with foreign culture, currency, law, or countless other factors, tourists tend to fall prey to a wide variety of scams.  No matter how much any seasoned traveler brags they can, there is no way to avoid every scam out there.  However, carrying an obvious money belt, wearing your backpack on the front, and distrusting everyone you encounter is not the best way to experience a culture either.  If you travel for hours and hours on a plane to see a new culture, don’t assume their all thieves as soon as you land.  I now bring you my favorite travel scams!  Favorite???  Well, if I was a scammer, these would be what I would do as the old “hold my baby, while I pickpocket you” is so played out!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Gimme yo money!"]Baby Faith[/caption]

TWiBT’s Best of Travel Scams!

1.)    Taxis

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Don't get taken for a ride!"]coco taxi[/caption]

While an efficient, sometimes expensive, way to get around, the taxi provides ample scamming opportunity.  If the driver is not going to set the meter, which they probably should, agree on a price before you roll out.  Know generally how many miles/km your destination is, so you aren’t taken on a tour.  The worst is when you put your baggage in the trunk and they demand gas money, good luck getting your bag out when you piss them off.  Use metered cabs, keep your stuff on you, and don’t be afraid to slap the back of the cabbie’s head if he’s jerkin you around.  Just kidding.  Take public transit instead if available.

2.)    FREE

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Free candy? Seems legit."]free candy[/caption]

Isn’t it great that we live in an era where there are companies set up whose sole purpose is to give away free stuff?  Free resort/hotel stays, free cruises, free vacation packages!  After watching a few episodes of ‘Locked Up Abroad’ it shocks me to see the length some people will go to travel for free.  If only they would become a liberated traveler.  These free offers always come with some sort of timeshare, scam, or other way to make money off of you.  If you really can’t figure out what the company’s product is, then chances are that YOU are the product.   They want something from you and they’ll get it.

3.)    Your own travel agency

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="298" caption="Wow! What an easy way to get rich!"]Nigerian Scammer #1[/caption]

This one is my favorite as I have a personal experience with it.  I once was invited to a friend’s house for what she called a “networking party.”  When I arrived at the party, I was immediately offered samples of miracle vitamin water in a wine bottle, some detox stuff, gold investor toolkits, and other stuff that I was just dying to get involved with.  Basically, it was a bunch of idiots who were all involved in some multi-level marketing pyramid trying to establish another link in their web.  They all had a chance to speak and pitch their stuff to my friends and I while we gobbled down the free juice and snacks.  As high school kids at the time, you could tell how interested we really were.  My favorite part was when one woman told us how we could each have our own travel agency.  She said it would be a turn-key business and we could work from home.  She put on a short video from the company YTB Travel which opened with the line “When Bill Gates said that in the future every home would have a computer, people thought he was crazy.  I’m here to tell you that in the future, every home will have a travel agency.”  After hearing this I realized I was surrounded by idiots and resumed eating the snacks.  Basically, you pay these companies money, they set you up with a site that has a way to book already overpriced travel, and you get a tiny commission off of it.  Take it from someone who runs a travel website, there are too many of us out there already.  Save your money!

4.)     The Flirt

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Don't fall for this!"]red dress party[/caption]

This one can be very dangerous.  Generally speaking, travelers are not sexy.  Khaki shorts, teva sandals, sweaty t-shirts, and safari hats do not scream out in sex appeal.  If someone other than a fellow sweaty traveler is being overly flirtatious towards you, be wary.  In many parts of the world, attractive women may approach a single male traveler and flatter him in an attempt to get him alone.  Once you are in a seemingly alone area, SURPRISE!!!  The surprise could be a gang of thugs to shake you down, a kidnapping, or maybe even the woman just stole your sweaty money belt.  Check your possessions and don’t be too sexy for your wallet!  Check your pockets regularly if planning to make a new friend in this manner.  Depending on how far East you travel, check to see your kidneys are still there also.

5.)    Swarm of kids

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Imagine 20 of these guys, when they were 8."]Raleigh gangs[/caption]

I’ve actually seen this happen once and I didn’t know whether to laugh or help the guy.  This dude was just standing around snapping photos when like a whole field trip of little kids just swarmed him and stole everything.  I think the funniest part was how long the robbery lasted.  I’m assuming the first 5 kids got everything out of his pocket, but after another 10 raided this guy’s pants he started this weak and confused scream.  “GGYYYYAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhuuhhh???”  I really have no idea on how to beat off a swarm of kids, but if you’ve ever taken karate and wanted a chance to fight off a crowd of bad guys.  Have at it.

There's no real way to prevent any of the countless scams out there from happening to you, but I always suggest you have a good credit card with excellent travel services.  Hands down, I recommend the American Express Platinum card which I signed up for and got 100k Membership Rewards points.  Their Platinum customer service is second to none!  Short of that, always be aware, cautious, but don't assume the world is filled with people out to get you.  If you look at crime statistics from around the world, you might find that you are at a greater risk in your own country than elsewhere.

Happy Travels!
-Jason of TWiBT

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