Wild Earth Wednesdays - Blobfish

TWiBT Presents

Wild Earth Wednesdays


Normally, the Wild Earth Wednesdays series covers locations, but we at TWiBT appreciate all of the wonderfully bizarre things this Earth has to offer.  We cannot stress BIZARRE more than ever with this week's post!  Behold one of the world's most beautifully hideous creatures on Earth...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="421" caption="The Blobfish"]Blobfish.jpg[/caption]

This cartoonish-looking fish lives in the deep ocean, near Australia.  Its gelatinous flesh is less dense than water, allowing it to float around and blob all day, or whatever it feels like doing down there.  There's not a ton known about it or how it eats or mates (if you can bear the thought).

My guess of how it eats is that it swims around with its mouth open.  Then, when small fish look at it and stare at how horrifying it is (kinda like how you stared at the photo for a few seconds thinking "WTF?"), blobfish swims up and scoops the bewildered fish into its mouth.

Check out some more Blobfish footage:

-Jason of TWiBT

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